La Guajira is a vulnerable region in Colombia where water is scarce, people of la Guajira at the northern tip of south America resisted European conquest and the Guajiro (Wayuu) forged a unique identity. The indigenous community in the region has suffered displacement, violence, food insecurity, lack of clean water, and other pressing issues for centuries.
Lack of reliable access to safe drinking water is a significant challenge the community of Los Cocos faces every day. This issue directly affects the daily lives of the population, especially children. We started working alongside the Wayuu community leader Mauren Aguilar and the rest of the people to develop a project that aims to restore the dignity, fundamental human rights and quality of life of the community of Los Cocos.
Our initiative will focus on implementing sustainable short term and long-term measures that guarantee the fundamental rights to life and health of the population. We have been delivering 20,000 liters of clean drinking water to over 350 people and their children every month, to do so we have to drive 2 water trucks for over 4 hours through the dessert facing extreme weather conditions, once we arrive to the village we travel from house-to-house filling water tanks for the families and the water tank at the village’s school.
In Partnership with Bochika we are developing solutions to lack of water in the region, alongside different experts we are studying long term options for sustainable solutions for the Wayuu people of Los Cocos. Our objective is to create partnerships with different organizations to bring diverse forms of humanitarian aid to the region.