in Colombia

Embark on a journey of compassion by
volunteering with us
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Together, we can break the cycle of poverty and inequality, empowering the next generation of Colombian Children to reach their full potential. We offer volunteering opportunities in Medellin, Colombia & La Guajira:

La Guajira, Colombia: Help us provide 2,560 monthly meals and 20,000 liters of clean water for 128 children of the Amouyuwou school in Bahia Honda, La Guajira. Furthermore, with your help we can empower single mothers with education so that they can create their businesses to provide for their families.

Volunteer in Medellin, Colombia for our Humanitarian Brigades: Every month we provide different forms of humanitarian aid for children in Moravia and Manrique, Medellin. With the help of our volunteers, we bring healthcare, education, emergency relief, and lots of fun to children living in extreme poverty in these areas of Colombia.

Visit our partner Orphanage: We are working with the orphanage Gente Unida to ignite hope through education for over 300 orphaned children. We created a personalized sponsorship program where you can help develop a child's dream as a volunteer through education and guidance.

English Classes in Medellin: With the help of our volunteers we are providing monthly English classes to children in Manrique, Medellin. You can become one of our teachers and make Colombia the canvas for your compassion!

non-profit in medellinnon-profit in la guajira
Best children non-profit in Colombia service leads to purpose

Why is volunteering important?

Volunteering allow us to live purposeful and meaningful lives, we were called to share our gifts and our talents with the world, especially those who need us the most. When a child smiles as a result of our small act of kindness, we feel like our lives hold immense value since we are able to provide happiness and joy to those who need us the most. Some of our children don't know what love is, some of them were abandoned by their parents or have experience trauma due to their environment, when we volunteer our love we are able to change their whole lives in just one day, because for that child that day could be the happiest day of their lives. ‍

What can I do as a volunteer?

We work with children and single mothers of the most vulnerable communities in Colombia, every community has different needs and we plan our humanitarian brigades according to each community. We support with emergency relief and in addition to that, we support with activities that will provide development and education for children and single mothers. For us is really important that you behave as an agent of change, giving them the tools they need to develop their talents to believe in themselves. Children and mothers are creators, innovators and they are valuable to society, as a volunteer you will provide support and guidance so that they can see themselves as valuable agents of change.

Why volunteering in Colombia?

Colombia boasts a diverse cultural landscape, from its vibrant cities to its lush landscapes and indigenous communities. Volunteering here allows individuals to immerse themselves in this rich tapestry, learning about Colombian traditions, languages, and customs firsthand. Interacting with locals and engaging in community projects provides a deep understanding of Colombian culture that is unparalleled.Poverty remains a significant challenge in Colombia, despite recent economic progress and efforts to address social inequalities. Rural areas, in particular, bear the brunt of poverty, with limited access to education, healthcare, and basic services exacerbating the situation for vulnerable communities. Many volunteering opportunities in Colombia are community-driven initiatives aimed at addressing local challenges and promoting social development. By participating in these projects, volunteers play a direct role in empowering communities, fostering sustainable growth, and improving quality of life.

How can I become a volunteer?

You can become a volunteer with Service Leads to Purpose by filling the form on this page, we require that all volunteers authorize us to do a background check before joining our team, the safety of our children is our priority.

What skills do I need to become a volunteer?

We can all serve others with our gifts and talents, the best skill a volunteer should have is joy and passion for serving those in need. Our organization's mission is to create long-term solutions to the issue of extreme poverty, and those solutions often come in the form of development, guidance and education, we want our volunteers to think of themselves as instruments of God's love, transforming hearts one by one.

What can I expect?

We usually ask our volunteers to come into our humanitarian brigades ready to be surprised, every single experience will be different because we are transforming the lives of children and single mothers and in the process transforming and healing ourselves as well. Children are the best teachers, they help us focus on the right priorities, so be ready to learn, be ready to smile and be joyful!

volunteer with children in colombia service leads to purpose


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